2025 Automatic Music Transcription Challenge
Register for the
2025 Automatic Music Transcription Challenge!
Submission window: April 1, 2025 - May 1, 2025
A competition of Automatic Music Transcription (AMT) will be held in April 2025. In this competition, participants submit computer programs that can convert audio recordings of classical styles to Musical Instrument Digital Interface (MIDI). A submitted computer program has up to 10 minutes to convert 100 recordings; each recording may be up to 20 seconds long and may contain at most three musical instruments. The rank of the submissions will consider multiple factors, including correct instruments, pitches, onset, offset, and dynamics. Most of the audio will be produced by using synthesized sound; a small percentage will be recorded from human performance.
An Online Competition
Sponsored by the IEEE Technical Community on Multimedia Computing (TCMC)
Technical Details
Contestants will register on the website of https://ai4musicians.org/. Sample music (including the scores and the audio recordings) will be provided on the website. Contestants can use any data for training their programs. Submissions will be open in March 2025. The programs submitted to the website will run on a computer equipped with GPU (Graphics Processing Unit) in Purdue's Rosen Center for Advanced Computing (https://www.rcac.purdue.edu/). Each team can submit at most once every 24 hours. A leaderboard will show the rank of the teams running the sample data. An additional set of holdout data will be used to determine the final rank and awards. A sample (open-source) solution will be available for contestants to study the input and output formats. If a submitted solution is inferior to the sample solution, the submitted solution is disqualified for consideration of an award. Winners will be invited to present their solutions at 2025 ICME
Join the AMT Slack Workspace for questions and updates!