Meet the team!

This photo was taken after our July 23, 2024 summer research presentation.
Top row (from left to right): Connor Frey, Elan Landau (University of New Mexico), Eddie Navarro, Tim Nadolsky, Emma Lombardo (Saint Mary's University), Monika Tomar (Purdue VIP TA), Prof. Yung-Hsiang Lu
Bottom row: Nick (Ping-Hung) Ko, Ryan Jordan, Trent Seamen (SERIS Generative Visual Models), William Jiang, Samantha Sudhoff

Dr. Kristen Yeon-Ji Yun

Project Director

Clinical Associate Professor of Music

Kristen Yeon-Ji Yun is a clinical associate professor in the Department of Music in the Patti and Rusty Rueff School of Design, Art, and Performance at Purdue University. She is active as a soloist, chamber musician, musical scholar, and clinician. Her recent CD “Summerland” has excellent reviews from New Classics UK, American Record Guide, and was broadcast nationwide by radio stations such as WQXR, WCNY, WBAA, and NPR Sonatas and Soundscapes. She started this research group due to struggles she personally experienced while practicing and performing cello.

Benjamin "Ben" Shiue-Hal Chou

PhD Student and Lab Graduate Mentor

Ben is currently pursuing a PhD under the guidance of Dr. Yung-hsiang Lu. Since August 2023, he has been serving as a graduate mentor for the AIM program. His research focuses on the training and application of multimodal transformers to enhance the experiences and lives of musicians and music enthusiasts.

Haichang Li

Mus2Vid Project Lead

Haichang (Charles) Li (李海畅) is a leader of the Mus2Vid project. He is currently interested in Human-AI Collaboration, specifically at the intersection of AGI and HCI (in especial creative works like Music & modeling). His ideal role is to be the link and bridge between external observers and designers in this process. He hopes to explore how AI can better help human beings to achieve benign coexistence, such as in the fields of multi-modal a11y, that is, to help people who need help more first and to explore the impact of AI on the world.

Samantha Rose Sudhoff

Robot Cello Project Lead

Hi! I am Sam, and I'm the leader of the Robot Cello project. I have experience with C/C++ systems programming, Java programming, data engineering using Python, database and SQL, and various other aspects of computer science. I am also minoring in psychology to understand better about human minds and the connection with AI.
In my free time, I enjoy playing cello, reading, and listening to classical music :)

William Jiang

AIM Vision Lead (Evaluator and Companion)

William is the lead for all vision tasks on AIM's projects (specifically Evaluator). He is currently pursuing a triple BS in Computer Science, Math, and Statistics. In his free time, he enjoys playing chess and poker, along with finding good restaurants around Purdue.

Ryan Jordan

AIM Audio Lead (Evaluator and Companion)

Ryan is the lead for all audio tasks on AIM's projects. He is currently pursuing a BS in Computer Engineering. In his free time, Ryan loves traveling and exploring new places.

Edward "Eddie" Navarro

AIM Interaction Lead (Evaluator and Companion)

Eddie is the lead for voice commands and LLM control in AIM's projects. He is currently pursuing a BS in Computer Science with a minor in Economics. In his free time, Eddie loves listening to Chocolat Cadabra by Ado.

Tim Nadolsky

Mus2Vid and Companion Contributor

Tim is an active contributor to AIM's Mus2Vid and Companion projects. His interests lie primarily in building software systems that exhibit emotion in human-like ways, usually through the lens of music technology. In his free time, Tim composes and produces pop/electronic music, (badly) plays the piano, and enjoys casually travelling and hiking.

Brian Ng

Former Mus2Vid Project Lead + Lab Alumni

Brian was a founding member of Purdue AIM. He received his B.S.CmpE. from the Purdue College of Engineering in December 2023.

Dr. Victor Yingjie Chen

Professor of Computer Graphics Technology

Dr. Victor Yingjie Chen is a professor of Computer Graphics Technology. His research covers interdisciplinary domains of Computer Graphics and Human-Computer Interaction, such as Information Visualization, Visual Analytics, Virtual Reality, and AI in Computer Graphics. He seeks to design, model, and construct new forms of interaction in visualization and system design, by which the system can minimize its influence on design and analysis, and become a true free extension of human’s brain and hand.

Dr. Yung-Hsiang Lu

Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering

Dr. Yung-Hsiang Lu is a professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Purdue University. He is a University Faculty Scholar of Purdue University. He is a fellow of the IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers), distinguished visitor of the Computer Society, distinguished scientist and distinguished speaker of the ACM (Association for Computing Machinery). Dr. Lu is the inaugural director of Purdue’s John Martinson Engineering Entrepreneurial Center (2020-2022). In 2019, he received Outstanding VIP-Based Entrepreneur Award from the VIP (Vertically Integrated Projects) Consortium. His research areas include computer vision, embedded systems, cloud and mobile computing. Dr. Lu has advised 400 undergraduate students in research projects and taught more than 5,000 students in classrooms. He has advised multiple student teams winning business plan competitions; two teams of students started technology companies and raised more than $1.5M.

Dr. Cheryl Zhenyu Qian

Professor of Industrial Design, Rueff School of Design, Art, and Performance

Dr. Cheryl Zhenyu Qian is a full professor of Interaction Design in Industrial Design at Purdue University. Being a boundary crosser, Dr. Qian is interested in studying and developing cognitive systems to enrich knowledge, employing interdisciplinary research methodologies to improve the design quality, and adopting innovative technologies to accommodate user experience. Her current research is focused on 1) the harmonious integration of physical and virtual interactions in the user experience design, 2) adopting interaction design theories, tools, and evaluation methods to review, compare, guide, and enhance product design outcomes, and 3) employing innovative design thinking into the domain of visual analytics.

Dr. Mohammad Saifur Rahman

Professor of Management, Daniels School Chair in Management

Dr. Mohammad Saifur Rahman Professor Mohammad Saifur Rahman is the inaugural Daniels School Chair in Management and a Professor of Management at the Mitchell E. Daniels, Jr. School of Business, Purdue University. He was named one of the World's Top 40 Business School Professors Under 40 by Poets and Quants in 2017. His research primarily focuses on digitization economics, omnichannel retailing, innovations and inequality, and AI and decision making.
Professor Rahman has published in major journals including Management Science, Information Systems Research, and MIT Sloan Management Review. His papers have been accepted in several leading conferences, e.g., Workshop on Information Systems Economics (WISE), International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), and Conference on Information Systems and Technology (CIST). Also, his research has been supported by multiple major Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) grants.

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